Frequently Asked Questions

Technology of the Living HOME:

The Building Technology utilised for the Living HOME has achieved a 30minute fire rating as was required to obtain an Agrement accreditation.

Technically: Yes!. Any addition can be made by means of traditional build. In theory – due to the intricate design of the buildings, the space utilisation makes it slightly difficult without sacrificing a lot of carefully allocated use areas. The idea of the Living HOME is to rather build another unit, or sell up and move into a bigger unit.

This having been said, we will soon launch a unit that is specifically designed to be build and to be extended as your needs grow. If you join our mailing list, you will be informed when such a unit is available.

Firstly, the living HOME is extremely strong, and it is highly unlikely to be damaged. If this should however happen, a block can be cut out, and be replaced with a new. The inset would then be repaired by a normal ‘tape and joint’ method like it is commonly used to repair ceilings.

To strengthen the Living HOME and to provide the structural integrity in the case of fire, the structure has uniquely designed struts which has a opening or a duct in which the electrical cables are placed. Electricity is therefore not suffice mounted.

As it would be very difficult to locate a water leak – in the unfortunate event that this occurs, water reticulation and the sewer runoff will be surface mounted. (The exception is the mains to the geyser / boiler and the hot water feed to the rest of the house.) The water supply and sewer will always be hidden in cupboards.

Build-ability & Location:

The Living HOME is equally suitable in any congested city environment as it is in a desolated county setting. Very often where conventional construction is difficult due to

Anybody! If you own a piece of land on which you are allowed to build a conventional house, then the Living HOME is an alternative option to you. This might be your own plot in a dense city setting, a granny flat in your back yard, a holiday or retirement house at the sea or an isolated farm house where the delivery of material is otherwise problematic. The Living HOME will fit in equally well into east and every of these settings.

Although it is the intention to eventually cover the whole of Southern Africa with the Living HOME, the first factories will be located in the Western Cape and in Gauteng. The price of the Living HOME as stated on this website is for any unit build within a 200km radius from the factory. Where the

It is the intention to make the Living HOME available throughout the whole of Southern Africa. We are confident that the exciting venture will attract the required investment in order to establish many more factories, which would enable us to cover larger areas at a fixed price. If you join our mailing list, you will be informed every time a new factory opens – possibly near you.

As this is a start-up, the Living HOME will only start with a limited number of smaller factories. Although the modularisation and fabrication allows for a unit to be built in as little as 4 weeks for a smaller unit (allowing for as little as 2 weeks for off-site manufacturing and 2 weeks for on-site construction), we would initially be limited by our factory capacity. For this reason there might be an initial lead-in time before we can start with the manufacture of your unit. We would expect this lead-in time to be drastically shortened as we are able to up-scale our factory and operations.

The concept of the Living HOME allows for many smaller factories (rather than a single Mega Factory) located all over Southern Africa, all serving a certain area. Not only does this ease the distribution of the units easier, it allows for a more even distribution of the labour force, providing labour opportunities over a larger area.

Although we initially allow for the manufacturing capacity of only 2 units per week, each factory will be designed from the outset to manage a capacity of 2 units (of average size) per day. Each factory would therefore require on average 25 to 30 building teams to erect and finish the units.

Buying / Selling of the Living HOME:

On the back of the Agrement accreditation, the Living HOME has confirmation letters of all four of the major banks, being FNB, Standard Bank, Nedbank and ABSA that they would be willing and able to provide end user finance to purchasers who would be interested to acquire a Living HOME.

A order will only be accepted and confirmed when a signed contact and a deposit has been received by the transfer solicitor or conveyancer. Once this has been received, your order will be confirmed, together with your position in the order line.

This will only happen if the guarantee for the purchase of your unit has not been received at least one week before the scheduled manufacturing of your unit. In such an event, your order will be placed further down the line, or the order can be cancelled at the discretion of The Living HOME, in which event your deposit will be refunded together with bank related interest.

You have the full right to cancel your order at any given time, in which event your deposit will be refunded together with bank related interest. In such an event you loose your position in the order line. You will be contacted at least a week before we start with construction of your unit to confirm your order in writing. Once such a confirmation has been received, the order can not be cancelled any more, and the contract would remain binding.